Maintaining, Enhancing and Managing a Design System.
A Little About The Product and The Project
Industry: Healthcare | A Canadian health-tech company who has been working in the industry for over 10 years. Their white-label SaaS product (mobile app and Desktop dashboard) is served to a number of clients within the healthcare industry.
Project Timeline & Year: 1 year +
Product : Design System
Project Status: Live
My Role & Responsibilities: Director of Product Design
Design sprints | Design System maintenance | Design system audit | Creating New UI elements | Publishing Design System across teams | Guideline and Usage Documentation
Product Objective: Maintain and enhance the existing design system so that it can fulfil the needs of the products it serves as they scale. The design system needs to be updated regularly to deprecate components no longer in use and to make updates as newer ones become available.
Tools Used: Figma/FigJam, Jira, Notion, Loom